Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Relationship between Balik-Islam (Muslim Reverts) and full-fledged Muslims under the Auspices of Islamic Teachings in Philippine Setting

This study will be composed of two presentations; the first one is a personal narratives differences between two prominent personalities in the league of ulamas about perceptions on Islamic theology and contemporary plight of Muslims in the Philippines.

One is a full-fledged Muslim in the person of Uztadz Muhammad H. Cana, while the other one is a balik-Islam in the person of Hajji Abdul Salam. The framework used is Sakili′s model of Muslim space, each of their views and insights will be examined by determinants extracted by the researcher from his book.

The second one is a material presentation of getting a sample of 10 respondents from the group of Muslims and Balik-Islam. They will be given a questionnaire and answer it with yes or no responses. Thus, this will be attest to the relationship that the researcher would like to posit in his hypothesis.

Click here to download the full paper for free.

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