Sunday, August 23, 2015

Call for Papers: Co-IRIS Workshop at the 3rd European Workshops in International Studies

Call for Papers
3rd European Workshops in International Studies
European International Studies Association
University of Tübingen, Germany
06-08 April 2016
In recent history, International Relations (IR) has been defined as a field by the dynamics of (neo)colonial powers, especially with the triumph of the United States as the sole world power in the post-Cold War era. The field has been dominated by theories and perspectives that are almost solely built on Western European and American traditions and perceptions of what IR is and of what it should be. Theoretically, IR was and continues to be informed by a widespread belief in the secular nature of IR actors (both nation-states and non-states actors). This secular discourse disregards the impact of religious elements and lacks recognition of the importance of both rational and revealed knowledge equally. Mainstream and reflexive IR theories and approaches, e.g. realism, liberalism, neo-neo synthesis/debate, social constructivism, critical theory, Marxism, post-structuralism, English school, etc., have most, if not all, determined a lack of interest in the possibility of truly encompassing, inclusive, and globally-based international values and norms distinguishing peripheral contributions beyond the usual European/American IR ontologies and epistemologies. Following the end of the Cold War, however, the nature of world politics has been changing drastically, shifting from great power competition to the management of transnational issues and to the necessity of cooperation among global different actors.
The research agenda of the International Relations and Islamic Studies Research Cohort (Co-IRIS) aims at fostering research that is inclusive of Islamic Studies in International Relations theory and praxis. Rather than an all-inclusive alternative theory of international relations, Islam represents a paradigm and research program that emphasizes law over anarchy, community over human selfishness, commitment over inconstancy, ethics over materialism, etc. As one of the foremost world religions and way of life, Islam offers useful elements of comparison and inspiration that can help improve our understanding and vision of international affairs and world politics. Co-IRIS is established and built to explore Islamic contributions to the field of IR on many levels: the theoretical level and the praxis of international affairs in Muslim societies. The inclusion of Muslim contributions is not meant to create an isolationist, judicious divide between what is Islamic and what is not. Co-IRIS is created to act on the inclusion of that knowledge as a building bloc in the IR field. That is, finding bridges and commonalities between IR and Islam.
The workshop aims: 1) to provide synergy between Islamic notions/practices and Euro-American notions/practices of international relations, and 2) to provide an analytic platform whereby the relations between the Western world and the Muslim world are contextualized. That is to say, going beyond civilization clashes to the stem causes of differences and worldviews to provide a theoretical bridge between the existing viewpoints of international relations at large.
Prospective themes and/or topics:
A. Theories
– Non-Western Movement in IR: The Islamic Perspective
– Islamic Approaches to IR Theory
– Islamic Norms and Values in IR
– Civilizational Analyses in Islam
– Islamic Thinkers in International Relations
– Islam in the West: Democracy, Secularism, and Modernity
– Comparing Nation-State and Muslim Governance
– Islamism and Post-Islamism
B. Praxes
– Emergence and Evolution of ISIS, ISIL, Daesh
– Competing Leaderships in the UN, OIC, GCC, Arab League, and ASEAN
– Muslim-dominated countries’ foreign policies
– Post-Arab Spring and its Geo-Politics
—Go to EISA’s website by clicking this link to read further details about EWIS.
—Click here to submit your abstract by creating first your free account.
—Then, click ‘Your Submissions’ and select the first selection from the list which states: “WS A – Worlding beyond the Clash of Civilization
—Fill it out by writing or pasting your abstract of up to 250 words and type in your five keywords. Then proceed with your submission.
—Please remember that the deadline to submit your abstract proposal is October 2, 2015 (Friday, 11:59 PM).
—Applicants will be notified about the outcome of the selection process by the end of October 2015.
—Accepted papers are expected to be part of a prospective publication project which will be discussed during the workshop proper.
—Unfortunately, Co-IRIS cannot provide support for travel and accommodation expenses. But we can give a letter of support for accepted papers by early November 2015 to solicit funds from your university or organizations.
—Registration opens on 16 October 2015 and closes on 30 November 2015. The registration fee for EISA members will be EUR 100 (full) / EUR 50 (research students). The non-member rate is EUR 200 (full) / EUR 100 (students) and does not include membership.

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